Annual Gala


Telangana State Model School Bheemadevarapally celebrates Annual Day every year. The Annual Day celebration is an integral part of every school and is something the students love of course! It is the beginning of a new year and the bidding farewell to the previous academic year in a celebration of  felicitation, feast and festivity. Almost our school celebrates this wonderful event to showcase our achievements. Undoubtedly it is one of the most anxiously awaited events for any school or student. We celebrate The Annual Day for the following significant reasons.

  • It allows the children to showcase their hidden potential.
  • It gives a chance for the children to informally communicate and bond with their teachers.
  • It is a great occasion to reward children who excelled in either academics or extracurricular activities.
  • It helps parents understand the skills and interests of their children other than just the academics.
  • It boosts confidence in the children and helps them to get rid of stage fright or nerves.
  • It also helps to teach children the importance of teamwork.
  • It aids in enhancing the memories of children.
  • It helps children find their passion in which they can look to build a career out of.
  • It encourages children to be more competitive to help them perform better.
  • It is a great way to acknowledge and empower the culture of our nation.
  • It is a good chance to get children involved in some form of physical activity.

Annual Day 2018